Scootility vehicle

Busy today currently coming down off a "Pirate High" from Hastings Pirate Day yesterday,  As I post, I have a team of Stihl lumberjacks in my garden doing a chainsawing video - a long story, for another post.

While I am here, let me show you how versatile a scooter can be. The photo here shows me on my Little electric Chaos "taking the bins aht" humming "My Old Man's a Dustman" as I do . (not bigging myself up or anything, but it's 100 yards to the edge of the property and frankly I haven't got the minerals at the moment to hoay* it by hand). Attached by a single bungy around the saddle stem, the bin costs me nothing to pull around, (the Health & Safety fella from Stihl was practically touching cloth when he saw me whizzing round with the bin full of glass etc. in tow).

Once again, I am not suggesting anyone try this at home.
Happy scootering nutjobs x

* Old Pirate term for heave or lift, not "How Old Are You" - a creepy social media acronym which an avid reader has literally just made me aware of.


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