Breaking Bad Scooterist

My Interstitial Lung Disease (a kind of pulmonary fibrosis) first became apparent a couple of years ago, I had a routine x-ray where they detected the condition. It worsened over the first couple of years until I ended up in hospital with pneumonia, this damaged my lungs further to the point where I needed Oxygen therapy 24/7.

I will confess I was down in the dumps, especially after having a couple of CT scans, a PET scan and ultimately an endoscopy which detected cancer in a number of spots.

By the end of the summer of 2016 I needed a holiday, but was dreading walking too far and being very short of breath. That was when I bought my first scooter the b-pro. It made a week in Whitstable one of the best breaks I had ever had (even before the illness). From that point I knew there was no going back.

I should add, scooters are never going to be the answer for everyone, sufferers or not, but I am convinced that these vehicles along with their far more popular big brother - bicycles - especially when powered, are the future of urban individual transport.... until it rains.

Just a clarification regarding the title of this post, I have not gone into the Crystal Meth cookery business.


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