Cruiser - Him go, him no come back

Play intro: Taps

My Schwinn Cruiser, the original Steely Dan  (see earlier post if you can be bothered, frankly) has gone to that great velodrome in the sky, that's official. He was cut loose from his mooring never to be seen again. On the upside (there's always an upside), the managers of the property where my bike lived, in a proper covered bike park, (a groovy leased office company down in leafy Marlow called Spaces) have been extremely decent, they have replaced my cruiser.

That particular bike is no longer available, so I decided on a Ridgeback Tradition Dutch Style townbike, pretty little retro thing, black of course, with a carrying frame over the back wheel - ideal for Oxygen - or Nitrous, Pukka! I am buying it through a dealer that has really taken care of me and given me lots of guidance.

Big ups to Jen at Spaces and Rosa at Pedal Cycles Centre, Steely Dan: he back


Play outro: Reveille


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