Bon Mots

Words... I flippin' love words me, etymology - the study of the origination of words is one of my hinterests, it can tell us a lot more about a thing than we thought we knew, like the root language for instance.

I also love onomatopoeia (words that sound like the thing they describe i.e.: atishoo, cuckoo, croak, hiccup, miaow, ping-pong, splash, sizzle etc.), slang, colloquialism, nicknames and aliases - terms of endearment or derision - depending on the intention (among my personal nicknames, aliases and nom de plume are: Badscooterist (mais oui) Bricktop, Tonyp, Toblerone, Purple Peacock, Cool Jerk (this last one, shamefully self-christened but it describes me well and it's also a favourite song), they are like neck ties or hats, don't wear them all the time but if you want to put forward a particular "bella figure' they assist).
I had a school buddy whose name was Crawford Austin - his nickname was "Biccy Biccy Brum Brum". That may not mean anything to anyone under 40 but we thought it was the nuts.

Finally, and for anyone born yesterday...

Definition of the verb to scoot:
To go or leave somewhere quickly.
Synonyms: accelerate, barrel, bolt, bucket, bustle, charge, career, clear out, dart, dash, expedite, festinate, flash, fleet, flit, fly, get a move on, go like lightning, hare, haste, hasten, highball, hotfoot, hurry up, hurtle, hustle, nip, pelt, race, rip, rocket, run, rush, sail, scamper, scurry, shoot, skedaddle, speed, split, spur, step, sprint, tear, trot, whirl, whisk, whiz, wing, zip, zoom.

Definition of the noun scooter:
A vehicle consisting of a footboard mounted on two wheels and a long steering handle, propelled by resting one foot on the footboard and pushing the other against the ground. Or a light two-wheeled open motor vehicle on which the driver sits over an enclosed engine with their legs together and their feet resting on a floorboard.

My definition: joy on two wheels....

Off out, still got daylight, Yippykayay!


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