
Courtesy of my good friend Phil I was lucky enough to see Russell Brand last night at the Aventim Hammersmith on his current tour: RE-BIRTH. He was, as always sparkling.

People always have an opinion about him good or bad, (I think as long as he is on the agenda he cares not which side of our affections he falls, he knows that's not important) trust me though, I am a pretty good judge, this fella is doing The Work, he puts his money where his mouth is in lots of ways (hopefully not too much of it, he is going to need a fair bit going forward, he has a new baby girl).

He recently published a decent book entitled : Recovery, which deals with addiction of all kinds I am currently studying his 12 step program myself,  freedom from the illusion of suffering is something that particularly appeals to me in my current condition. His qualification for writing this book is not that he is better than most of us, it’s that he is worse. He is an addict, addicted to drugs, alcohol, sex, money, love and fame. He is without doubt the best advert for a bit of light narcicism I have ever endured.

I was lucky enough to connect briefly with the lovely man before the show and was just glad that I got to say, "You have a big shiny golden heart and what you are doing is GOOD and has VALUE" He replied humbly "I am trying". Love you fella.

If you feel you have addictions, go to his publisher's website and download the first part of a possible solution, The Program here at

Hare Krishna Russell. May your tribe increase.

and read my blog if you have 5 mins when Mable's asleep xxx


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