Seize The Day

To a certain quarter of my generation: 
We really dodged the bullet didn't we? Born in the fifties, growing up through the sixties and seventies, young guns in the eighties, thirty somethings in the nineties... just behind the baby boomers, but enjoying life in their wake, we have had it pretty sweet. I don't think we have made life easier for our children and grandchildren though. When I say that I am not suggesting that we have arrived at this point totally through our own choices, we shouldn't necessarily beat ourselves up, but we need to be thankful and we need to give the new crop a big break. They have been handed a pup.

To a certain quarter of our brilliant future generation:
A little bit of advice and I hope it doesn't sound too grumpy, (bear in mind I am over 60) Getting offended when someone else's point of view doesn't align with yours is not going to get you far snowflakes, nor should it, so much blood has been spilt in our recent past in the name of free speech, try to stand up and fight for everybody's right to free speech (especially if it offends or upsets you - that the offender has no respect for you is on them, not on you, necessarily) because if we lose that, the next thing will be free thought and that we really cannot afford to lose that... completely.

To everyone, a cliché:
If you want to change the world (unless you are a media celebrity - whatever that is now) start with the person standing next to you. The good news is that with the hour of the interweb, (before that becomes totally regulated - and trust me it will be - unless again, you stand up for the right to free speech), the person standing next to you can literally be anywhere on the planet.

You are the people. You have the power.

mask from anonymous, lid from my boy Baz at

Listen to Maggie's Farm Dylan's finest, delivered with rage by Rage Against the Machine here


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