The New Golden Age of Piracy

I am being a bit of a romantic here, but all boys - of a certain age - are attracted to the life of piracy.

There is a lot of misunderstanding about the nature of Pirates and Piracy in general. I have always been a form of pirate, (I am admitting nothing but), if I read the various old pirate codes I find that they give sound advice on civilised living.

The kind of piracy that you are probably thinking about right now may be the "Oooh arrrr, shiver me timbers, pegleg and parrot cliché, this is not quite what I am talking about here.

The pirates of the Golden Age were "Upon the Account" - recruited from the four ends of the earth: escaped (or liberated) slaves, previously press-ganged men, fugitives from the law, adventurers, chancers and for whatever other reason, desperate men. They were thrown together for a million other reasons but the common aim was to live a free life, in a fair system.

Please allow me to make this clear, I would never harm another human being (or even a  fly come to it), my view on piracy is of a philosophy, a way of living or thinking. If all possession is theft (and I am not saying it neccessarily is) think about how possession was and still is attained.

So as long as no-one gets hurt, my view is: decide what you want or need (as much or as little as that may be), and take it.

May God have mercy on my soul.


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